Simulation PLC Trainer


Learn PLC programming with our complete, customizable PLC Training System. At the center of this PLC Training System is a Simulation PLC Trainer available in a variety of brands, including Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1400 (RSLogix500), Compactlogix (RSLogix5000), Siemens S7-300 (Step7), and Siemens S7-1200 (TIA Portal). The Simulation PLC Trainer includes a mounted HMI touchscreen, pushbuttons, and an external multi-conductor cable and 25-pin d-sub connector that interfaces with various simulation accessories to simulate real-world programming scenarios.

These affordable, adaptable all-in-one PLC trainers are ideal for teaching PLC programming to students at tech schools and universities or for companies training employees on PLC controls and programming.

Product Specs

This PLC Trainer is comprised of a 20”x 16”x 8.5” plastic enclosure containing a PLC and supporting power components. It has an HMI mounted on the front programmed with pushbuttons, indicators and numerical entry registers already mapped to addresses inside the PLC.

There is a simulated red/yellow/green stack light, an E-Stop button with MCR (Master Control Relay), and a power button to enable the outputs. This simulates actual industrial equipment used in many plants. The power button also doubles as a fault reset signal.

This trainer is wired with an external multiconductor cable and 25 pin d-sub connector. The cable interfaces with various simulation components. Small factory accessories from Fischertechnik and others allow programming of real-world simulations, I/O addresses are common for all of these accessories.

Each PLC Trainer System includes:

  • Simulator PLC Trainer in:
    • Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1400 (RSLogix500)
    • Compactlogix (RSLogix5000)
    • Siemens S7-300 (Step7)
    • Siemens S7-1200 (TIA Portal)
  • PLC Trainer user manual
  • "The Art of Programming" PLC training manual
  • One base student program
Available models:
  • Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1400 (v.8) - $3,200.00
  • Allen-Bradley CompactLogix L23 (v.19) -  $4,400.00

Additional information


Allen-Bradley Micrologix 1400 (v.8), Allen-Bradley CompactLogix L23 (v.19)


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