The first Mastering the Machine session with Frank Lamb and Jeff Buck, VP Engineering at Automation NTH. Topics included Automation NTH’s business model, NTH University, the “OEE Optimizer” software, a case study of a machine project and the CAP (Certified Automation Partner) program.

This was the sixth webinar after the opening of the Automation Academy.

Some points on the timeline:

  • 5:15 – Jeff Buck Intro
  • 6:13 – What is Automation NTH?
  • 11:50 – Automation Lifecycle
  • 16:30 – Certified Automation Partner (CAP) program
  • 25:00 – Digital Transformation
  • 32:30 – Virtual Acceptance Testing
  • 42:00 – NTH University
  • 56:00 – Q & A